Making a Will
Our prices for a bespoke Will writing service, including a 30 minute to 1 hour meeting, start from £150.00 + VAT. Call our FREE LEGAL HELPLINE on 0800 307 7660 to arrange a free 30 minute consultation with one of our will writing experts.
Our Will writing service can be completed by video appointment, telephone appointment or by questionnaire.
Essential reasons for making a Will
Making a Will ensures that when you pass away, your estate is distributed in accordance with your wishes. A Will can also ensure that your wealth passes to your family in a tax efficient way.
- To avoid your assets being distributed in accordance with the intestacy rules which could mean, for instance, that your spouse does not inherit all your estate.
- To ensure that your chosen beneficiaries actually do inherit your assets upon death.
- To nominate executors of your choice to deal with the distribution of your estate in the certain knowledge that they will comply with your wishes.
- To nominate the preferred guardians of your children to avoid family disagreements or upsets.
- To make small personal gifts.
- To take advantage of tax saving strategies
Other reasons for making a will
- To explain why a possible beneficiary is being excluded.
- To ensure the continuation of a family business.
- To ensure that 'first' and 'second' families are treated fairly.
- To reflect lifetime rearrangement of assets.
- To give specific guidance to executors.